09 Mar

IASA UK Architecture Summit, London 22-26 April

Eoin and I are both fellows of IASA, the International Association of Software Architects, a global organisation which promotes “the advancement of [architectural] best practices and education while delivering programs and services to IT architects of all levels around the world.” The 2013 Summit is taking place in London, UK and Eoin and I are both running various sessions during the week.

On 23rd April we are running a one-day tutorial on “Software Architecture using Viewpoints and Perspectives,” which will present and discuss our approach to defining and describing architectures for complex information systems. Our objectives for this interactive tutorial are to:
– provide an overview of the viewpoint oriented approach to software architecture
– introduce and explain our viewpoint set
– introduce the concept of a perspective, to guide the consideration of the quality properties of a system
– introduce and explain a set of perspectives and show how they can be used with our viewpoint set.

Eoin is also running an intriguing session called “A Team, A System, Some Legacy … and You,” in which he will describe his experiences working on the architecture of existing systems, and the principles and techniques that he has used to be mostly (his words, not mine!) successful in doing this.

Lastly, I am running a session called “Real-World Architecture Review.” In this session, I will present a number of tools and techniques I have developed to do architectural reviews that are objective, consider all the important aspects of the system under review, and lead to better architectures.

The IASA Summit looks to be a great event for new and experienced architects alike. We hope to see you there!